Free & Reduced Meals
Free and Reduced Meals- English
Free and Reduced Meals Info- Spanish
Meal Prices Kinder-8th Grade |
Breakfast |
Lunch | |
Full Price | $1.35 | $3.20 | |
Reduced | Free | Free | |
Meal Prices 9th-12th Grade | Breakfast | Lunch | |
Full Price | $1.50 | $3.50 | |
Reduced | Free | Free | |
Adult Price | $2.75 | $4.75 |
Welcome to the Nadaburg Unified School District Nutrition Services Department. Our primary job is to provide nutritious breakfast and lunch to our students and staff.
The Nutrition Services Department is self-supporting. It is our responsibility to generate revenue to pay for food, supplies, labor, and equipment needed for the food program. Our nutrition program is organized and administered for the benefit of our students.
If you believe you qualify for the free or reduced meal program, please feel free to download a copy of the guidelines and the application, fill it out, and turn it in to your school's cafeteria. If your child was approved for free or reduced meals and wishes to continue receiving those benefits, you must reapply each school year.
To review or put money into an account, please go to your parent or student portal for Infinite Campus.
For your convenience menus will be posted monthly on the school websites. Menus are subject to change due to the availability of some food items.
In the operation of the Child Nutrition Program, no child will be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, age, or disability. If you feel you have been discriminated against please write to:
Administrator-Food and Nutrition
3101 Park Center Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 22302
Should you need additional information or have any questions about the food services provided at Nadaburg Unified School District please contact our Food Services Director.
Kerre Laabs, Director
[email protected]
(623) 250-7749